Audio Sample Swarayoga in Raagam Bilahari
Swarayoga in Raagam Abheri
Music is the most unique of all art form…
Chant Music for better life…
Chant music for better health…
Heal yourself with Music…
Reach the doorsteps of Brahmananda with Music as your aid…
This session brings you closer than ever to pure music and its effects. Join the maestro Ganesh ji in this exploration of the divine through music.
What is pure music?
Pure music is based on the swaras, which is the backbone of our music. Like the Vedas, which are taught orally, music too is based on this aural tradition that focuses on the sound produced by each note.
Shadjam =Shad+Jam
Shad = 6, Jam = the birth of six notes.
In our music each swara is of different frequency and hence fixing the shadja enables us to position the other swaras in accordance to ‘Sa’ (Shadja)
Since music is a non visual art form music lovers, students and begginers find it difficult to position the swaras.
Hence to start with, we focus on ‘Sa’ till we attain perfection and that is done by comparing our ‘Shadja’ with the ‘Shadja’ of the tampura.
Once we fix our ‘Sa’ it becomes easy for us to locate other swaras.
‘Swara Yoga’ strives to achieve this through these sessions.
It is open to all music lovers ,students , begginers and anyone interested in upgrading their music…
Swara Yoga Concert

1) Prabhoda Awakening
The first part of the concert will feature an introduction where the audience will be awakened to the beautiful sounds of Music through Violin , Voice and accompanying instruments ..
2) Ananda
This part will feature the Joy and pure bliss of Music through deeper exploration of the Ragas and Talas (melodic and Rhythmic structure ) through Improvisation …
3) Swara Yoga
An Interactive meditation of Chanting and singing of Notes with Ganesh ji leading the group
4) Anantha
The final segment will have a soulful rendering of Music to conclude the evening’s proceedings
Review of the Swara Yoga Session held at Houston